Leading the Way in Comprehensive, Research-Based Education on Women’s Health and Hormones


Ready to Master Women's Hormones & Reproductive Health?

The IAFHH Functional Hormone Specialist Certification Program is an advanced 12-month self-paced continuing education program for women’s health professionals looking to expand their skillset in functional nutrition, hormone balance, and reproductive health.

Over the course of 12 months, you will gain practical tools, new knowledge, and guidance on how to support your clients in achieving real & lasting results in their hormone health journeys.

By receiving the cutting-edge research and specialized education available in this program, you will quickly excel in your private practice and become the go-to hormone health expert in your community.

Watch Our Free Training
Revolutionizing Hormones: A New Approach Toward Women's Healthcare

register for free!

Will you benefit from becoming an IAFHH Certified Functional Hormone Specialist (IC-FHS)?

Do you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed when working with complex client cases that involve hormone dysregulation?

Perhaps you feel confused by biased and conflicting research on womens’ health and often wonder what to believe or where to focus your attention?

Are you interested in niching in a certain hormone-related women's health topic, like PCOS or fertility, but aren't sure if you have enough knowledge & skill to build effective protocols?

Perhaps you feel intimidated when it comes to starting your women's health practice, and find yourself questioning where (or even how) to begin?

Do you sometimes feel isolated as a “solopreneur” and wish you had the support of a like-minded community of women’s health professionals?

You aren't alone!

Many women’s health professionals report feelings of frustration, confusion, and self-doubt due to gaps in the education they’ve received.

Plus, most entrepreneurs underestimate the value of developing a network full of encouraging like-minded colleagues and therefore don’t advance in their practice as quickly.

If this sounds like you, Ashe and the team of experts within IAFHH are here to help!

Ready to ditch the frustration, confusion, and self-doubt as a health professional?


How would you feel as a practitioner if you could...

Stop questioning your skillset because you thoroughly understand how hormones & reproductive health connect to every body system?

Feel confident developing recommendations & protocols for clients who have complicated hormone & reproductive health cases?

Have the ability to review scientific research and integrate new findings into your practice?

Have the tools and skills you need to launch your women's health practice and start working with your ideal clients right away?

Create a thriving practice as you stand out from the crowd as an expert in your industry?

If this sounds ideal to you...

The IAFHH Functional Hormone Specialist Certification Program is designed to provide you with not only the information and research about women's reproductive and hormonal health topics but also the tools you need to be able to apply what you learn in your practice so you can help your clients achieve real and lasting results.

“I absolutely loved this program! The live calls and community was so helpful to have through the program and Ashe's lectures are packed full of information. Ashe also provides vast amounts of downloadable resources, client handouts, and amazing guest lectures. I highly recommend this course to any practitioner looking to master women's health and hormone metabolism!”

Maria Jean Harrington








What Our Graduates Are Saying

“Ashe was fantastic as a mentor and instructor. She fostered a sense of community and an collaborative learning environment. As an NTP and RWS1 practitioner, I wanted to round out my knowlege and support my female clients with hormone dysregulation. The depth of knowlege I gained from this program is exactly what I was looking for and I'm eager to apply it in my practice!”

Jamie Shupp








What Our Graduates Are Saying

“This program changed my life. I came into the IAFHH FHS Certification Program with basic knowledge of functional women's health, but I didn't even know how little I knew about my own body until the class started. Ashe is incredibly kind, brilliant, and warm; and this makes for a space that is inviting, open, and where we can grow in whatever direction we most need to be the best practitioners we can be. I can't imagine my life or my practice without the knowledge and experience I gained in this program - from the bottom of my heart, thank you, Ashe, and I can't recommend this program enough.”

Sarah Diamond








What Our Graduates Are Saying

Before becoming an IC-FHS, I knew the bare bones of women's health. After going through the program, I feel more equipped to take better care of my female clients. IAFHH marries science with practicality beautifully. I was blown away by what I learned and was able to walk away for my practice + personal life. The IAFHH community is incredible and I am so glad to be a part of it. It epitomizes women supporting women. I highly recommend this program. You won't be disappointment by Ashe and IAFHH. You can tell she put her heart and soul into it!

Sam Cato








What Our Graduates Are Saying

“I'm a fertility awareness educator particularly interested in helping women to use their cycle charts to inform their health decisions. I joined this program because I wanted to learn more about nutrition and gut health, and how that relates to female hormones. Ashe's course was a wonderful supplement to my previous education. I've learned information that has helped to improve my own health as well as family members'. The sense of community that quickly developed among the group members was also really nice. I now have a network of colleagues to talk to and collaborate with in the area of reproductive health. Overall, the experience was a positive one and I look forward to modifying and improving my own work with clients in the area of health and nutrition.”

Brittany Bair







What Our Graduates Are Saying


The IAFHH Functional Hormone Specialist Certification Program... a self-paced, 12-month practitioner training program designed to help you master your skillset as a women's health professional specializing in functional hormone & reproductive health.

When you join our program, you're not only investing in yourself, your clients, and your business, but you're also joining a community that's a part of a greater movement; helping to facilitate monumental change in the realm of women's health and research all over the world.

Become an IAFHH Certified Functional Hormone Specialist (IC-FHS) and step away with confidence in your ability to serve your female clients on a deeper level in their hormone balancing & reproductive health journeys.

This program is approved for 24 Continuing Education Units for FNTP and NTPs through the Nutritional Therapy Association

What's Included:

24+ hours of invaluable content, including: video lectures, eBooks & guides, as well as done-for-you practitioner tools and client handouts

The most up-to-date research on functional nutrition, hormone balance, and reproductive health, complete with pre-vetted and cited sources!

The opportunity to receive personalized 1:1 and group mentorship support, allowing you to delve deeper into specific topics or receive expert guidance in developing your business and women's health practice

A community of skilled & like-minded practitioners where you’ll cultivate lifelong friendships and collaboration

Lifetime access to all material additions and upgrades that are added to future cohorts upon graduation

Our Curriculum

Module 1: The Physiology of female Hormones & Reproductive Health

  • Learn the fundamentals of hormone physiology, including the primary endocrine glands that are involved and their roles in hormone production and secretion
  • Understand hormone composition, solubility, and nutrients needed for hormone synthesis
  • Learn how the endocrine system, hypothalamic-pituitary axis, and feedback loops operate to maintain hormone balance as well as the function of other body systems
  • Refine your knowledge of the hormonal fluctuations that initiate and maintain ovulation and menstruation including the 4 primary cycle phases that make up an ovulatory cycle
  • Grasp a thorough understanding of the most common hormone imbalances, their primary underlying factors, and how they can show up clinically through your client's symptoms

Module 2: Functional Nutrition for Hormone & Reproductive Health

  • Learn the foundations of functional nutrition and how they impact hormone health & balance
  • Understand the connection between hormone regulation and systemic function including how hormones impact digestion, mineral balance, blood sugar regulation, detoxification, inflammation balance, immune system function, and vise versa
  • Learn the intricacies of steroid hormone metabolism including the metabolic breakdown of estrogens, progesterone, androgens, and cortisol
  • Understand how certain hormone health conditions and symptoms and can be instigated by suboptimal hormone metabolism and how lifestyle, nutrition, genetics, and supplementation may influence these patterns
  • Learn how endocrine-disruptive compounds can negatively impact your client's hormone health and how to properly support liver health and the 3 phases of detoxification

Module 3: navigating fertility awareness & birth control options

  • Learn the various contraceptive options available to women including hormonal birth control, non-hormonal birth control, sterilization, barrier methods, herbal contraceptives, as well as Natural Family Planning and Fertility Awareness Based Methods
  • Understand the action of each hormonal birth control option and how they impact hormone health and other areas of a woman's wellbeing
  • Learn how to properly support your client’s transition off hormonal birth control and onto more natural alternatives
  • Uncover the science behind the ovulatory cycle and refine your understanding of cervical mucus and basal body temperature patterns
  • Learn how to use sympto-thermal cycle charts in your practice to assess your client's hormone health and ovulatory function
  • Discover cycle syncing principles that you can incorporate into your business or practice with clients to further support their hormone health and menstrual cycle experience

Module 4: supporting complex hormone & reproductive health cases

  • Learn the research, including the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and conventional diagnoses and treatments of the most common complex hormone and reproductive health cases you may face in your practice
  • Uncover the primary causes and symptomatologies of complex cases such as Infertility, Amenorrhea, PCOS, PMDD, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Cysts, Pregnancy, Postpartum, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Peri-menopause, Menopause, and more
  • Learn the pros/cons of conventional vs natural treatment and support options for complex cases
  • Learn how to develop your critical thinking and clinical application skills in functional hormone health so you can confidently work with even the most complex of cases

Module 5: developing your practice through functional testing & beyond

  • Understand how to use functional blood work, serum hormones, and DUTCH testing in your practice to successfully get to the root of your client’s most pressing hormonal issues and reproductive health concerns
  • Learn best practices for working with functional lab tests in your practice to keep you, your business, and your clients safe when utilizing these tools
  • Learn the practical knowledge and skills you need to protect yourself in your practice through using strategic structure function and health-supportive language
  • Learn our proven tips and strategies for creating a balanced business structure and developing the thriving practice you deserve

Download the curriculum guide

Start by Downloading Our “Curriculum Guide” to Learn more!

Want to learn more about
our curriculum?

When you complete the IAFHH Functional Hormone Specialist Certification Program, you will receive a beautiful certificate of completion and graduate badge indicating your completion date and hours of continuing education earned, as well as permission to use the official designation of
IAFHH Certified Functional Hormone Specialist (IC-FHS)

Functional Hormone Specialist Designation & Certificate of Completion

In addition to this invaluable education, you will also receive...

You will receive lifetime access to the private IAFHH Facebook Community where students & graduates alike come together to share wisdom, advice, and conversation about a variety of functional hormone health & practice development topics.

Practitioner Community

As a graduate, you can will be automatically pre-approved for a clinician account through Evexia Diagnostics, which gives you access to every lab and testing facility you may need, (including the DUTCH test and Labcorp!) all from one single, easy-to-use platform.

aBILITY to order lab tests

When you complete the IAFHH Functional Hormone Specialist Certification Program, you will receive a beautiful certificate of completion and graduate badge indicating your completion date and hours of continuing education earned, as well as permission to use the official designation of IAFHH Certified Functional Hormone Specialist (IC-FHS)

Develop your clinical practice and refine your skill as an IC-FHS within The Proficient Practitioner Hub — an exclusive platform for students forge connections within a robust peer community, seek guidance on program material, explore supplementary continuing education and business-building resources, and benefit from direct mentorship and support from the IAFHH team.


Investment Options

Enroll now to secure your spot!

If you’re considering enrollment but have a question, email us at 

Have Questions?










Enroll in full and get a FREE Crew Neck Sweatshirt!







A 7.5% service fee is applied for all extended payment plan options

Secure yours today


Secure yours today


Ashe really provides an amazing space for pratitioners from diverse backgrounds to come learn and grow from one another. The course was an amazing opportunity for me to dive deeper and fully understand hormone health. I'm forever grateful I took the step to invest in myself with this course.

"i am forever grateful!"

Autumn Eastman, FAE, IC-FHS

This program exceeded my expectations and gave me a solid foundation of knowledge pertaining to women’s health and hormones. The depth of information that Ashe goes into within each module alongside the amazing resources and guest lecturers is a life-long learners dream come true!

"Exceeded My Expectations!"

Tiffany Fielder, FNTP, IC-FHS

I would 100% recommend anyone interested in learning more about women's health enroll in the IAFHH Functional Hormone Specialist Certification Program, it's great!


Emily A, M. Ed., FNTP, IC-FHS

Who this program is for:

Health professionals who are ready to up-level their knowledge & expand their practice in women's hormone & reproductive health

Those looking to dive deep into the research to understand female physiology & pathology from a functional perspective

Those wanting to go beyond conventional approaches by challenging the status quo and refining their critical thinking skills to deliver their clients real & lasting results

Who this program is not for:

Those who have a very limited understanding about human physiological function and biochemistry (although beginners are welcome if you're ready for some high-level info!)

Those who don’t enjoy learning the in-depth nature of clinical research or who are not ready to fully comprehend the physiological aspects of female hormone health. Hint: this program goes DEEP!!

Practitioners who are looking for diagnostic tools or cookie-cutter protocols to use in their practice

What Our Graduates Are Saying






“I've really enjoyed studying for and completing the IAFHH FHS certification program. I run an online women's hormone health clinic and having successfully helped hundreds of women return to vibrant health using a functional, holistic approach, I can tell you that Ashe's program stands on solid academic and practical foundations. The course is well-structured, easy to comprehend and build upon and the material comes with a lot of research references. In my opinion, this last feature is one that can keep on giving, if you are the kind of student who knows how to go back to the research references and glean practical gems from them too! I would suggest this course to anyone in functional medicine who is truly interested in optimising their clients hormonal health.”

Mahesh Jayaraman


Delhi, India

“Ashe's program is truly a worthwhile investment if you're looking to take a deep dive into expanding your practice and understanding of hormones and holistic wellness. I feel so much more powerfully equipped to offer my clients exceptional support!“

Autumn Eastman








“Ashe's course has provided me with an in depth foundation on women's hormonal health that is going to directly inform my work as a nutritional therapist, labor, and post partum doula. This class goes beyond nutrition basics and covers many ways to support women based on their unique individual needs.”

Elizabeth Comiskey













“Working with Ashe in the IAFHH FHS Certification Program was one of my best decisions. I had been searching for a program that provides a deeper dive into women's hormones and period health and this program came at exactly the right time. The material was thorough, yet easy to get through. The live calls were extremely beneficial. And the program, itself, felt manageable and not overwhelming. My favorite part, however, has been the friendships formed and the support of like-minded colleagues.”

Kristen Ballard



“Before I joined the IAFHH Functional Hormone Specialist Certification program, I could give you an overview of women's hormones but I didn't feel confident to go in depth with clients on their hormonal issues. Since finishing the course, I feel like my knowledge base has grown so much and I'm exciting to use what I've learned in helping women optimize their hormones and their fertility through functional nutrition.”

Lauren Frede








Frequently Asked Questions

when do i receive access to course materials?

Once you secure your enrollment, course materials, enrollment bonuses, and entry into The Proficient Practitioner Hub will be accessible for you to enjoy immediately!

what is the time commitment for the program?

Each module contains roughly 3-5 lessons, and each lesson ranges between 30-70 minutes. On average, each module contains between 3-5 hours of lecture material as well as transcripts, worksheets, and additional resources.

Previous students have expressed that it took them roughly 3-5 hours per week to get through the material (depending upon their level of experience & learning speed).

In total, you can likely expect to commit 4-6 hours per week on the program, depending upon your learning pace.

Do i have to be a health professional to enroll?

In general, the program is delivered to meet both beginner and advanced-level individuals, and we have had students join us from many different fields and backgrounds including medicine, nutrition, chiropractic, herbalism, fertility awareness education, birth work, health coaching, and even just aspiring learners.

Although, please note that our course is quite complex, so having some previous background in nutrition, anatomy & physiology, and general women's health topics will help you to better comprehend the depth of the program. However, if you do not, that doesn't have to be a limitation. We have intentionally broken down the material as comprehensively as possible and also provide additional support and mentorship options if needed to support your study and retention of the material. If you feel confident in your research & study abilities and understanding of hormonal health physiology, we are sure you will do just fine.

If you have additional questions on if you're a good fit for our program, please contact us at

Will i earn a certification after completing the program?

Upon completion you will receive a "certificate of completion" with your name and hours of continuing education earned in addition to a graduate badge that you can display on your website for proof of participation and good-standing.

In addition, you will be granted permission to use the official designation: IAFHH Certified Functional Hormone Specialist (IC-FHS) alongside your current credentials and/or scope of practice.

If you are an NTP or FNTP, upon completion you will receive 24 CEUs approved through the Nutritional Therapy Association.

Will i feel confident in creating client protocols by the end of this program?

This program is designed to provide you with not only the information & research about women's reproductive and hormonal health topics, but also the tools you need to be able to apply what you learn in your practice so you can help your clients achieve real & lasting results.

Throughout the program we outline how certain hormone imbalances & reproductive health conditions connect back to the foundations of health - nutrition, digestion, blood sugar, detoxification, etc. so that you can clearly understand how to support your client's health concerns from a functional, holistic approach.

This program is NOT going to provide you with "cookie-cutter" protocols to use in your practice. Rather, we are training you on how to take a step back and approach your client's health from the big-picture-perspective through evaluating their nutrition, lifestyle habits and functional test results.

What support options are there while enrolled in the program?

Your enrollment comes with a complimentary one-year membership subscription to The Proficient Practitioner Hub — an exclusive platform for IAFHH students and the community. Here, you can stay informed with crucial updates, forge connections within a robust peer community, seek guidance on program material, explore supplementary continuing education and business-building resources, and benefit from direct mentorship and support from the IAFHH team via monthly group mentorship and Q&A calls, quarterly trainings, and guest expert presentations.

Within The Proficient Practitioner Hub, there is also the opportunity to book direct 1:1 mentorship sessions with the IAFHH mentor team. Gain personalized insights, guidance, and clarification on specific topics related to the program, your business and practice development journey, or how to navigate a complex client case. These mentorship sessions with Ashe or Sarah can be purchased individually to further tailor your educational journey within The Proficient Practitioner Hub.

For additional support, you will also receive access to the IAFHH Community Facebook Group, a peer-led space for IAFHH students and community members to foster connections, share insights, engage in collaborative discussions, and receive valuable support on your journey to becoming an IAFHH Certified Functional Hormone Specialist.

what is your refund policy?

As a part of our policy and commitment to quality standards, we do not provide refunds. We have complete confidence in the effectiveness of this program, evidenced by the success our students have experienced. If you fully commit and actively participate in the program, we believe you can attain your goals.

Recognizing the substantial time and financial commitment required, we strive to offer extensive support as you navigate the program materials. Our priority is ensuring each participant is fully prepared to transform their lives and businesses, beginning with wholehearted belief, commitment, and investment in their own success. Enrolling in this program marks the initial stride towards that transformation.

how long do i get access to the program?

All fully graduated students of the IAFHH Functional Hormone Specialist Certification Program will receive lifetime access to the course materials, including any future upgrades and additions. This means that once you have successfully completed the program, you will have unrestricted access to the course materials for as long as the program is available.

To ensure an optimal learning experience and timely completion of the course, we have implemented a 12-month completion period. As long as you complete the course within this timeframe, you will not be subject to any additional fees to regain access to the materials.

However, if the 12-month period elapses and you have not yet completed the course, your access to the program materials will be revoked. In such cases, to regain access and continue your progress in the course, you will need to pay a $497 reinstatement fee.

We strongly encourage all students to diligently work towards completing the program within the 12-month timeframe to avoid any interruptions in accessing the course materials. Our aim is to support your learning journey and provide ongoing access to valuable resources.

are there exam requirements to pass this course?

After each module there is a multiple choice quiz for you to complete and prepare yourself for the final exam. Once you have completed all 5 modules, there is a 2-part final exam to pass in order to graduate. The first part is a multiple-choice exam that may be taken up to 3-times. It is an open book test to help you refine your referencing abilities of the course materials, as well as testing you on what information you've retained and may need to review. Then, the 2nd part is a written interpretation of a DUTCH Plus case study that is personally reviewed and graded by the IAFHH team. You will be granted 2 attempts for the case study within your exam window - which is available to you for up to 12 months from your enrollment date.

Whether you're new to business, or a seasoned entrepreneur, our program will help you learn how to work smarter, not harder, and start attracting your dream clients

Improve Your Business

Refine your knowledge about women's hormonal & reproductive health so you can feel confident in developing protocols that will support your female clients on a deeper level

Expand Your Practice

Help facilitate monumental change by bridging knowledge gaps and supporting women from a functional, bio-individual perspective to get them real & lasting results

Make a Difference

IAFHH walks you through the exact framework you need to...

Meet the Founder

Through online courses, programs, and 1:1 mentorship, she teaches tools and strategies to health professionals to expand their knowledge, skillsets, and practices in functional hormone health.

After many years of extensive research, running both in-person and virtual private-practices, and being trained by 11 different educational bodies and independent leaders in functional nutrition and female hormone health, Ashe felt called to create a program for practitioners that goes beyond just the basics. She believes that a good practitioner is mixed with part experience, part resources, and part critical thinking, which is why the IAFHH Functional Hormone Specialist Certification Program explores the advanced physiology of hormones & reproductive health as well as tangible business & practice-building skills.

Through The International Association for Functional Hormone Health, Ashe is on a mission to educate, collaborate, and create a thriving community of skilled practitioners that are passionate in helping to transform lives of women all over the globe.

Ashe Milkovic is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Functional Hormone Expert, Functional Blood Chemistry Specialist, and founder of The International Association for Functional Hormone Health.

Learn More


Ready to Become an IAFHH Certified Functional Hormone Specialist?

enroll now!

Deneal’s Experience

Felicia’s Experience

Caitlin's Experience

Emma's Experience

Jenni’s Experience

Majida’s Experience

Dr. Alayna’s Experience

Morgan's Experience

Deneal’s Experience

Felicia’s Experience

Caitlin's Experience

Emma's Experience

Jenni’s Experience

Majida’s Experience

Dr. Alayna’s Experience

Morgan's Experience

Deneal’s Experience

Felicia’s Experience

Caitlin's Experience

Emma's Experience

Jenni’s Experience

Majida’s Experience

Dr. Alayna’s Experience

Morgan's Experience

Deneal’s Experience

Felicia’s Experience

Caitlin's Experience

Emma's Experience

Jenni’s Experience

Majida’s Experience

Dr. Alayna’s Experience

Morgan's Experience

Deneal’s Experience

Felicia’s Experience

Caitlin's Experience

Emma's Experience

Jenni’s Experience

Majida’s Experience

Dr. Alayna’s Experience

Morgan's Experience

Deneal’s Experience

Felicia’s Experience

Caitlin's Experience

Emma's Experience

Jenni’s Experience

Majida’s Experience

Dr. Alayna’s Experience

Morgan's Experience

Deneal’s Experience

Felicia’s Experience

Caitlin's Experience

Emma's Experience

Jenni’s Experience

Majida’s Experience

Dr. Alayna’s Experience

Morgan's Experience

Deneal’s Experience

Felicia’s Experience

Caitlin's Experience

Emma's Experience

Jenni’s Experience

Majida’s Experience

Dr. Alayna’s Experience

Morgan's Experience

Deneal’s Experience

Felicia’s Experience

Caitlin's Experience

Emma's Experience

Jenni’s Experience

Majida’s Experience

Dr. Alayna’s Experience

Morgan's Experience

Please email with any questions regarding the IAFHH Functional Hormone Specialist Certification Program or enrollment.

Have Questions?

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© 2024 The International Association for Functional Hormone Health, LLC

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