A free training sponsored by The International Association for Functional Hormone Health, hosted by CEO & Founder, Ashe Milkovic
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Gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricate interplay of hormones within the female body. Together we'll unravel the mysteries behind hormonal fluctuations and their impact on overall health and well-being
Gain a Comprehensive Understanding
Say goodbye to confusion as we debunk common myths and misconceptions surrounding women’s health & hormones. Through evidence-based insights and expert guidance, you will learn to separate fact from fiction, empowering yourself with accurate knowledge
Debunk common myths
From fertility issues to hormonal imbalances, learn effective strategies for navigating common women's health challenges. We'll explore practical approaches to supporting hormone balance and promoting optimal wellness at every stage of life
Learn effective strategies
Discover the revolutionary potential of integrating hormone-focused care into healthcare practices, paving the way for enhanced client outcomes and satisfaction!
Discover the potential
I'm so in!
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricate interplay of hormones within the female body. Together we'll unravel the mysteries behind hormonal fluctuations and their impact on overall health and well-being
Say goodbye to confusion as we debunk common myths and misconceptions surrounding women’s health & hormones. Through evidence-based insights and expert guidance, you will learn to separate fact from fiction, empowering yourself with accurate knowledge
From fertility issues to hormonal imbalances, learn effective strategies for navigating common women's health challenges. We'll explore practical approaches to supporting hormone balance and promoting optimal wellness at every stage of life
Discover the revolutionary potential of integrating hormone-focused care into healthcare practices, paving the way for enhanced client outcomes and satisfaction!
The visionary behind IAFHH and the lead mentor of our acclaimed global practitioner training, the IAFHH Functional Hormone Specialist Certification Program.
In my early days as a practitioner, I grappled with confusion and constraints within women’s health and hormone education. I encountered hurdles in accessing inclusive and comprehensive research to inform my practice.
Determined to address this gap, I embarked on a mission to facilitate advancements in functional hormone health, with a vision of making these crucial resources accessible to women's health professionals worldwide.
Now, I am committed to serving our community by empowering practitioners with the knowledge and tools needed to revolutionize women's health practices everywhere.
Sarah Bouse is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and High-Performance Consultant that specializes in supporting high-achieving women to optimize their performance through holistic hormone health.
With a focus on helping impact-driven women restore their energy and vibrancy, as well as educating women’s health practitioners to develop their skills for client relationship building, Sarah works with as IAFHH a Mentor and Advanced Practitioner.
FNTP, IC- FHS, RWP — IAFHH Mentor & Advanced Practitioner
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Elizabeth Cody obtained her Bachelors of Arts and Sciences at McGill University, in Montreal, QC and has continued her research career through work with the Nebraska Center for Virology, the University of Nebraska Medical Center, and the University of Nebraska Food Science Department.
With over a decade of research and education experience in the areas of ecology and evolution, inflammation and immune regulation, the microbiome, and diet and metabolism, she now collaborates with IAFHH as the Research Consultant and Curriculum Advisor to help review the latest research and locate resources that address current questions about functional hormonal health.
IAFFH Research Laison & Communications Manager
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